My definition of a health coach is someone who provides his/her clients with information, a roadmap and the support and accountability that they need to take control of their physical and mental health. I strongly believe that we have all the resources that we need inside of us, we just need help accessing them.

My path to becoming a health coach started when I realized that I love what I did as an infertility nurse practitioner but felt that I didn’t have enough time during the workday to dig deeper with my clients who wanted help improving their physical health prior to pregnancy. I found myself wishing that I could create a role that allowed me the time to do this. The answer came when I needed to negotiate my own personal health journey, and someone suggested a coach, became in instrumental person in my recovery from poor eating habits and people-pleasing. This led to my training as a health coach and realization that working with women who need help with their nutrition, weight or stress relief prior to pregnancy is my calling. As a master’s-prepared nurse, it is important to me that I am recommending evidence-based interventions, and the science supports the use of a health coach as someone who can successfully help people make impactful behavioral changes, particularly in the areas of weight management, physical activity and mental health.
If you are considering working with a health coach, here are the answers to some frequently asked questions:
1) How does a health coach differ from a nutritionist?
Nutritionists and/or dieticians have studied the science and principles of nutrition for disease prevention and/or to promote healthy lifestyles and can help you plan a healthy diet. I am not a nutritionist; in fact, I do not advocate a particular diet. I do, though, work with nutritionists who can teach my clients what to eat, and I have the knowledge to support many different meal plans, but I believe that the missing link for weight loss, without deprivation, is knowing HOW to eat.
2) How many sessions do I need to schedule?
It is important to know that changing behavior takes time. If you consider that it takes about 66 days to form a new habit, then it is reasonable that most people need at least six sessions. My clients usually schedule 9-12 sessions with me because there is often an underlying issue that needs to be addressed prior to weight loss or management. You don’t need to have multiple sessions to feel a difference though, as most of my clients report feeling energized, stimulated and inspired even after one session (see testimonials below).
3) I have tried diets in the past and they haven’t worked. What makes you/health coaching different?
My clients almost always have already tried to make a change, such as losing weight, and struggled. For example, some have joined diet groups or seen nutritionists and/or fitness instructors, all of which can help, but real, lasting change results from creating or substituting healthy habits for those that are not so healthy. A health coach assists clients in identifying health-related goals and to find a way, using short-term, measurable benchmarks, to achieve them.
4) How am I different than other health coaches?
My background as a health coach is unique as I have 20+ years’ experience as an Infertility Nurse Practitioner (NP) and, consequently, utilize a researched-based understanding of the role that hormones play in weight and metabolism. I am fortunate because I have a deep and working knowledge of reproductive endocrinology that I employ to explore and explain how hormones affect our mental and physical health; how an imbalance of hormones can lead to weight gain and/or retention and subsequent metabolic consequences; and the incredible link between our inner voice and our body’s ability to metabolize a meal. I also have personal experience with PCOS and insulin resistance and am passionate about identifying ways to combat this.
Still have questions or doubts? I understand! Most people interested want to know that health coaching ‘works’ before making a financial investment. As a result, I like to allow others to ‘do the talking’ for me. Below are some emails that I have received from my clients:
It was wonderful ‘meeting’ you yesterday. I really got so much out of our session, especially a new breathing technique and learning how to reframe my emotional responses to stress. I already spent 5 minutes meditating and doing deep breathing this morning.
Ally K., Danbury, CT.
I didn’t know what to expect when I signed up for health coaching, but I knew I needed something and I was willing to try anything. I have struggled with my weight since having babies and have yoyo dieted and tried just about everything. Some things work, most do not. What I LOVE about the health coaching is not focusing on or forcing an unattainable quick fix. Monica looks at your whole self and gives tips that are specific to your struggles and individualizes what can make a positive difference in your life. I particularly like how instead of focusing on things you need to take away to be healthy, she works towards things you can add to your life to gain health and wellness.
K.M.,Jacksonville, FL.
I’m in my late 30s and preparing to get pregnant for the first time. Thanks to Monica Moore, I am successfully beating PCOS. I was first diagnosed with PCOS over 20 years ago and have seen various doctors and specialists for it. Unfortunately, none of their treatments or methods have worked. They explained very little about this condition to me. Most of their treatment recommendations were based on weight-loss, not PCOS, and I had no results. I’ve also tried every diet imaginable, fasting diets, carb-free diets, dairy-free diets, low-fat diets, vegetarian diets and liquid diets. Absolutely none of them worked, and I always gained the weight back, until now.
I all but gave up on losing weight, getting a period again and having children…until last year, when I went to my amazing new fertility clinic, and I spoke with Monica Moore. She is a nurse practitioner and health coach who specializes in fertility and helping women with PCOS way beyond a typical office visit. Her sessions are more than just nutritional counseling or physical training. And she doesn’t do diets. She is legit.
Renee F., Norwalk, CT.
If you are interested in learning more, you can Contact Me.