Congenital Uterine Anomalies

Congenital uterine anomalies are associated with pregnancy loss and OB complications. The prevalence in infertile women is low, around 2-4% of women- this is percentage is higher in women with RPL, 10-15%.

The septate uterus is most common (35%), then bicornate (26%), arcuate (18%) then didelphys (8%). In a septate uterus, the live birth rates can be dramatically improved after surgery.

Uterine Development

At 5-6 weeks of development, both female and male embryos have 2 sets of paired genital ducts:
mullerian and wolffian.

  • Genital system identical at this point. Development depends on presence or absence of Y chromosome

Uterine Development

Uterine Septum

  • 1-3% of all women
  • 15% with renal anomaly
  • Term pregnancy 20-30% when complete septum in place